Hamilton Times

News and Business in Greater Hamilton. A monthly publication promoting Greater Hamilton and celebrating the lives and stories of local people.

Welcome to the Hamilton Times: a new publication celebrating life in Greater Hamilton. Together we will share the stories of the people and places around Hamilton, the centre of Victoria’s South West.
The Hamilton Times will strive to present a fresh way of looking at Greater Hamilton with an emphasis on the creativity, innovation and commitment that is evident in our community. We want to inform, explore, learn and build through this new publication. Everyone has a chance to be involved, as we are mailing the Hamilton Times free to all homes in the Southern Grampians Shire.
There is a groundswell of positive energy that is bubbling to the surface across our region. This is evident from the young people who are returning to Greater Hamilton and the diversity of cultures we see. There are families moving from capital cities to Hamilton seeking a quality of life they no longer find in metropolitan environs.
In Greater Hamilton there are residents starting new businesses, branching into new ventures and taking new directions. There is a vibrant arts and crafts movement, a strong food and wine culture and both the health and education services continue to be unmatched in rural Victoria.
We believe residents of Greater Hamilton share the same desired goal – to see our communities prosper. So while we read that the population of Greater Hamilton is static and attracting businesses and professionals is difficult, the irony is that there is a quality which is often unparalleled in many things we do.
This is the story we need to tell, these are the messages of worth that we need to promote beyond our boundaries. Every day, if you look, you will see an example where someone is contributing to the rich tapestry that makes up Greater Hamilton.
These are your stories and Hamilton Times plans to tell them.
